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What does internet security mean
Cybersecurity is the protection of personal data, devices, and digital identities from various threats that lurk on the Internet. It is a set of practices, tools, and measures that users use to reduce the risk of data theft, account hacks, malware infections, and other forms of online attacks.
Cyberattacks are methods by which hackers gain access to users’ data or devices. The most common include phishing (fake emails to steal passwords), malware (malicious software), DDoS attacks (disabling websites), and social engineering (manipulating people to reveal information). Attackers often exploit weak passwords, outdated software, or user carelessness.
Educating people about online security helps them identify and prevent online threats such as phishing attacks and data theft. By understanding how to use passwords safely, verify sources, and protect your privacy, we reduce the risk of being hacked. Better awareness means safer and more responsible use of the internet.
New types of malicious software (malware) are discovered every day.
Every second, websites are attacked
Phishing attacks happen every day.
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